Online Classic Violin Course

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Sam Karimi - Classic Violin

Tuition : 500,000 toman
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Parnia Seyedeyin - Classic Violin

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Mazyar Zayani - Classic Violin

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Mehdi Habibi - Classic Violin

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Mohammadali Fiouji - Classic Violin

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Salar Zamanian - Classic Violin

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Ali Malekmahmoudi - Classic Violin

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Sima Yahoo - Classic Violin

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Yasaman Naderi - Classic Violin

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Payam Shayani - Classic Violin

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Alireza Ameri - Classic Violin

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Classic Violin

A brief introduction of violin instrument
Violin, colloquially calls “violon” [in Persian], is a wooden accordion and a soprano, which is used in the categories of violins and stringed instruments Most violins have a hollow wooden frame and usually have four (sometimes five) strings. There are also smaller types of violin instruments such as piccolos and pochette, but these instruments are hardly used. It is also tuned on total one fifth [harmony] with the notes G3, D4, A4, E5 and is usually played by pulling a bow on the strings. The violin can be played by plucking the strings with the fingers (pizzicato) and, in specialized cases, by striking the strings with the wooden side of the bow (col legno).
The violin has a special place in the world of music with its timeless elegance and soothing melodies. The size of this instrument depends on its small figure but at the same time powerful form. This instrument is a symbol of unique balance between form and function, tradition and innovation.
In the field of violin education, whether in a violin class in English or through online violin training methods, the size is not only a physical feature, but also a foundation for learning and being high-skilled.
The violin is a beautiful and bowed instrument. The 16th century Italian version of this kind of instrument has been turned into a violin [that we know now] over time. Nowadays, violin is one of the best-selling and best-known musical instruments in the world. Among the most famous Iranian violinists, we can mention Parviz Yahaghi, Ali Tajvidi, Abolhasan Saba, Siavash Zendegani, Majid Vafadar, Ebrahim Lotfi, Abbas Shapouri, etc.

Violin’s features
Violin among its unique features, like other members of the stringed instrument family, has a fretless fingerboard. Its strings are attached to the tuning pegs and to the tail which passes over the bridge and is held in place by the tension of the strings.
The bridge transmits the vibrations of the strings to the violin's belly or soundboard, which is made of pine wood and this amplifies the sound. Inside the instrument, under the base of the bridge and between the belly and the back of the violin, which is made of maple wood, there is a sound base; A thin piece of pine wood that transmits the vibrations of the strings to the back of the instrument. How you maintain the violin is very important and significant.

Online violin class
Overall, online violin classes are a great opportunity for students of any level and stage who are interested in learning the violin and its skills. These classes allow students to connect with skilled teachers around the world in a comfortable way at their own home using the Internet and technology. There are some advantages of online violin classes in the following:

  • Easy and convenient communication: Students can easily communicate with their teachers and be in classes remotely at any time.

  • Time flexibility: According to that online classes are usually recorded, students can review to practice and repeat it at the time that suits them.

  • Access to learning resources: In online classes, you usually have access to more learning resources and materials that can help improve your skills.

  • Lower cost: online violin classes often cost less than face-to-face classes; Because some extra costs such as renting a place and transportation are eliminated.

  • Individual attention: Unlike large face-to-face classes, in online classes, teachers may pay attention to each student and respond to his/her needs more.

In the meantime, Iranian violin class in an online way is a wonderful way to access high quality online violin training at home, and improve the musical skills. This allows students to process their musical interests with confident and step by step. Violin training for Iranians abroad through online classes is very worthy. These classes let them to access teachers easily from all around the world who are familiar with their language and culture, using technology to communicate.
Due to the accessibility of the opportunity, Iranians can easily learn the violin while keeping in touch with the culture and art of Iranian music. This cultural relation can help empower their cultural connections and individual identity to create a stronger sense of cultural identity in their lives. Considering that the violin is also known as one of the popular instruments in Iranian music, learning the Iranian violin through online classes is a unique opportunity for those who are interested in Iranian music. These classes let students to learn Iranian violin techniques and learn this art in an effective way.
At Inavaz Educational Group, we have solved many of the problems in face-to-face classes so that you can learn in better circumstance and become a professional violinist. First of all, our classes are conducted online and completely private. These classes are live and you can interact with your teacher. After the end of each class, you can have the recorded video of the training so you can watch it and practice until the next session.

Violin for children
Violin for children helps them learn musical skills. It can also play a role in strengthening their memory, concentration and discipline. Violin helps children improve their social skills; Because learning of this instrument is usually done one by one with a teacher, which makes the child face a personal and intimate learning environment. Besides, violin has the ability to harmonize with different types of music and styles, from classical to contemporary music; Therefore, choosing music pieces for children can be very various and attractive. This will introduce them to the diverse world of music.

Free violin training
Free violin training is a wonderful opportunity for all music lovers. With accessibility to free tutorials, anyone can easily learn basis and basic techniques of the violin. This unique opportunity allows people to start their path to success in the fascinating world of music with precision and focus.

Buying a violin
Buying a violin is an amazing and challenging experience. The price of violin is various. In different markets, different violins with different qualities and prices are available. Cheap violins are usually suitable for beginners or those who are just interested in this instrument, but high-priced violins have a much better quality and sound; Therefore, they are usually recommended for professional musicians and those interested in deep and pure sound.
To buy a violin, it is important to pay attention to the sound quality, structure and price. You should consult with professional musicians or experts in this field before buying a violin.
There are two types of violin: acoustic violin and electric violin. These have different brands such as: TF violin, Yamaha violin, Hofner violin, Stacked violin, Zack violin, Renato violin and Stradivarius violin.

Learning violin from a to z
Learning violin from a to z is an interesting and adventurous journey that requires practice, motivation and proper guidance. It is important to choose a high quality violin to start learning violin even if you’re a beginner. It starts with learning how to solfeggio and empowering playing techniques, including how to hold and use the tray and psaltery also how to move the fingers on the strings then continues.
Learning violin trainings step by step, also performing repeated exercises to improve bowing, handling and control the instrument, are part of the teaching process. In the end, with regular practice, hard work and dedicating many things, you can achieve professional violin playing skills and enjoy the pleasure and wonderfulness of playing this beautiful instrument.
Violin training is presented in different styles and methods. The styles include Iranian violin training and classical violin training. One of the most well-known training methods is Suzuki method violin training.

Last words
Step-by-step learning is always the best way for mastering in any kinds of arts. Online violin trainings let you learn your favorite instrument besides your own leisure and personal space with providing extensive resources so as well you can contact directly to skilled teachers. This method, from beginner to advanced, allows you to progress regularly and continuously according to your needs and abilities. With constant effort and practice, you will improve your technical skills and enter to deeper fields in art.
In the path of learning the violin, persistence, patience and love for art are so important. This journey is more than learning a musical instrument. It’s a journey that will lead you to new angles of art and life.

Learning violin is a beautiful and enjoyable experience that can improve your life. When you play violin, you relate with the live and sensitive sound of this instrument, this will bring the music out of you. The violin can take you to a new and fascinating world of music, full of beautiful pieces, different styles, different cultures and deep emotions. Of course, learning the violin has its own matters and challenges. 
You should have a lot of patience and perseverance to learn the necessary techniques and correct your errors. You should spend a lot of time and energy practicing to improve and play the pieces you like. You have to face the negative comments and harsh criticisms of others and use them as opportunities to improve.
But in my opinion, all these challenges are worth it. Because every challenge is an opportunity to learn. Any progress is a sense of goodness. Each piece is a story. Every violin note is a gift.

If you have enough interest and motivation to learn violin, both teaching methods can be useful and efficient. I think the method you choose depends on your personality, lifestyle and purpose.

You should bring the instrument with you from the first session. If you are a beginner student, you can start with an instrument that is suitable for you in terms of size. It doesn’t matter to be a beginner or professional at the beginning.

The exact time cannot be told, because it depends on many factors, including: your starting level, talent, training, teaching method and motivation. But generally, if you have enough and proper practice, we can say that it takes about 5 months to complete the beginner's course. Obviously that doesn't mean you can't have fun or improve before this. Every small step you take can bring you closer to your goal.

There are many books and resources for teaching students at different levels, these resources include: Suzuki, The Beautiful World of Violin, Hrimaly, Le Violin, Shewchuk, Music Academy Book by Ruhollah Khaleghi, Music Academy Radif by Abolhasan Saba etc.

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